Constructing Raised Gardening Beds

Constructing Raised Gardening Beds

Article by Jonathan Montealto

When gardening in areas where water drainage is poor, raised gardening beds proved to be the most practical way of gardening. Due to the less compaction of the soil, raised gardens can improve retention of moisture which helps the roots to develop better as well as allow better drainage. The huge benefit of raised garden beds is it’s easy accessibility, including the huge benefit of easier control of weeds. Being able to plant earlier in season is another huge advantage with raised beds, it is because of it’s warmer soil during spring season.

Good planning combined with the tools and materials is essential in constructing raised gardening beds. You need to be prepared for some physical labor as well. Here are some steps which you can follow to build your gardening beds:

Step 1

First, you need to decide where your raised garden beds should be located. Plan in advance what types of plants you want to be in your garden, their needs for water and their requirements of sun exposure. In general, raised beds are mostly built in full sun or in areas that direct morning sunlight are received as well as having some partial shades during the afternoon.

Step 2

By using stakes and twine, you mark the perimeter of the raised bed. Put the stakes in the ground where you like the four corners of the garden bed located. Outline the bed site by tying the twine from one stake to another. Measure the dimensions of the bed site after you have your desired layout.

Step 3

You need to kill the existing grass and vegetation by covering your bed site with black plastic or by covering it with a thick layer of organic mulch. You should then need to till the soil approximately six inches well down to the ground.

Step 4

Using the measurements of your staked bed site, you now can construct your frame. Build the frame using landscaping blocks, brick, stones or any rot- resistant woods like redwood. If you are using wood, cut it using a circular saw making sure that it fit to your bed site’s dimensions. If you decide to use landscaping blocks, you can build your frame by simply stacking them in staggered fashion.

Step 5

The frame’s height should be built at least six inches and it should be less than four feet wide. If the raised gardening bed is longer than six feet, Use galvanized nails or a cable and fasten the sides every four to six feet together.

Step 6

Finally, you can now fill your raised gardening beds with some soil, mixing one part of compost, peat moss or some organic matter with a part of sand and or perlite and 2 parts of topsoil.

About the Author

For more instructions and videos about constructing Raised Gardening Beds Click here >>> how to build raised garden beds

Free: How To Build An Organic Garden TodayClick here >>> Gardening Raised Beds

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