JULIE BASS FACES NEW CHARGES (7/15): www.infowars.com www.merriam-webster.com Julie’s blog: oakparkhatesveggies.wordpress.com Oak Park Hates Veggies Facebook page: www.facebook.com Facebook post by Joseph Dupont: Dear Editor, Due to public pressure and most likely because it was unconstitutional to ban such victory gardens, city officials have dismissed the charges against Oak Park resident Julie Bass. Hearing how smug Oak Park officials were in coming down on this lady shows what citizens are up against in the once land of the free! Apparently our government want conformity in every aspect of your life. They want drones that pay taxes and don’t question any law regardless of how trite or foolish such laws may be. If America is to survive economically and ecologically we need people like Julie Bass who is thinking out of the box! They are apparently trying to punish Ms. Bass regarding her dogs now! That’s harassment! links for clips used…thank you www.myfoxdetroit.com www.wxyz.com
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