Building an Organic Vegetable Garden through EzyVegies Raised Garden Beds

Building an Organic Vegetable Garden through EzyVegies Raised Garden Beds

Article by Joseph O.

Since Australian soils have low levels of organic matter, you can use raised garden beds to grow your vegetables. Through raised garden beds, you can control important soil properties such as fertility and drainage. The money you invest in raised garden beds and compost will be rewarded with healthy and productive organic vegetable gardens.Here are the steps in building an organic garden through EzyVegies raised garden beds:

Step 1: Inserting the Rods

Insert the raised garden beds hinge rod through both panels. On soft ground, use the long hinge rods and hammer them into the ground to provide extra strength. If your garden is 2 panels high, use the 80cm hinge rods that are available from EzyVegies. Note that the hinge holes are small on the inside of each panel to ensure a firm fit.

Step 2: Filling the Raised Garden Beds – Compost Garden

Organic compost is best made by mixing Lucerne hay and chicken manure in the raised garden beds and is known to be the most water-efficient planting medium. Good compost absorbs moisture like a sponge and requires minimal watering (i.e. twice a week in summer and once a week in winter, under average conditions). It only takes two weeks of ‘hot composting’ before you plant your first seedlings.

Step 3: Filling the Raised Garden Beds – Potting Mix and Garden Mix

Potting mix and garden mix are manufactured planting mediums that mix, among other things, sawdust, pine bark, fertilizers, manure and moisture absorbing agents. Most are manufactured according to various Australian standards. Potting mix and garden mix are not organic growing mediums. They are best used in raised garden beds on hard ground, in combination with an under layer permeable fabric, to prevent drainage marks on tiles, concrete or pavers.

4. Building a DIY Garden Guard

The EzyVegies Raised Garden Frame is designed to integrate a simple DIY Garden Guard to protect your vegetables from birds, possums, cats, dogs, wind, hail, frost and the hot summer sun. The DIY Garden Guard can be covered with bird netting, shade cloth, clear plastic or any other sheeting depending on your particular needs for each season. Each of the following components can be purchased at plumbing and hardware shops. You can also buy the vinyl tube and steel clamps directly from EzyVegies.

5. Garden Equipment

It is easy to be overwhelmed by the products available at garden centers and hardware shops, but you really do not need that much equipment to manage an organic vegetable garden. Just follow these steps and look forward to a year of fruitful organic vegetable gardening.

For more tips and advices in growing vegetables through raised garden beds, visit

About the Author

The author is a computer professional who works on the internet helping Ezyvegies increases its viewers through optimization. For world class raised garden beds visit us online

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