Vegetable Seed Selection and Soil Preparation

Vegetable Seed Selection and Soil Preparation

Article by Terry Blackburn

All vegetables can be grown from seed, purchasing seed from a reputable Seedsman is of course important and there are a few well know companies who are very reliable for the quality of the seeds they offer for sale. Some of the larger companies have excellent web sites and all have catalogues that help to make the choice easier for the gardener.

Vegetables are also grown from tubers or bulbs; these include potatoes, Jerusalem artichokes, onion, and shallots sets, and garlic. Globe artichokes and asparagus can be grown from seed, but needs three years before it can be cropped; therefore young plants or roots are usually purchased to get a good head start. These can be purchased also from seedsmen as young plants but will naturally be more expensive than seeds.

Soil Preparation

When preparing the soil for sowing, the depth of the furrow or drill will depend on the size of seeds- the smaller the seed the shallower the drill, and the heavier the soil the shallower the drill. In average soils, drills

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